Sep 16, 2010

Imagine UBC (Plus Bonus Indoctrination!)

For all those who missed it - here are some pics hot off the grill from our first round of campus evangelization. Please, direct your attention to the cute cukes and manly snow peas manning our booth. Observe awhile their tender innocence, their steadfast faith in a new era, a brighter tomorrow, that happy day when lamb shall lie atwixt lion...

But wait! Before we share said photographic evidence, let us take this moment to remember that the dietary choices we make at every meal affect not only our bodies, but the collective reality of this planet. As at least one of our members loves to point out, according to a UN report published in 2006 (Livestock's Long Shadow) animal agriculture contributes more greenhouse gasses to our atmosphere than all forms of transportation, worldwide, combined. In other words, keep riding your bike - but don't forget that what's powering those legs counts at least as much.

Sunshine and beetroot,

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